Keep’s flagship products, Keep Wallet and the trading platform Keep Swap, are set to begin their concurrent trial runs, marking a more expansive and complex new phase for the Keep ecosystem.

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As a core product of Keep’s ecosystem, Keep Wallet has undergone extensive and deep optimizations, completing a new version after rigorous research and field tests. The wallet not only supports comprehensive multi-chain asset management and secure storage but also offers users unlimited DeFi and digital asset application experiences. It lays the groundwork for Keep’s future expansion into a fully decentralized ecosystem.

Simultaneously, Keep Swap has been restructured and optimized, focusing more on facilitating the exchange and trading of digital assets. After extensive design efforts, Keep Swap has successfully upgraded to become a blockchain financial accelerator based on decentralized trust mechanisms. As the user base grows, Keep Swap will also evolve into an independently operated decentralized financial institution.

The launch of Keep Wallet and Keep Swap represents a milestone, ushering the Keep ecosystem into a new, broader era. In fact, the Keep team has already made more profound plans for the future. First, they will further enhance DeFi and various digital asset modules. Soon, they will introduce a blockchain hardware wallet based on Keep Wallet, as well as digital secretaries and identity verification systems, creating a complete decentralized financial ecosystem.

Moreover, Keep plans to collaborate with world-leading AI institutions to introduce AI assistants and cross-chain smart contracts within the Keep ecosystem, offering new services in blockchain smart finance. In the future, AI systems will become an integral part of the Keep ecosystem, contributing to the construction of a fully intelligent new financial network.

Worth mentioning, Keep is also actively laying the groundwork in emerging applications like NFTs, Metaverse, and GameFi, aiming to create a truly comprehensive ecosystem. They believe that all digital assets and services will eventually flow through the Keep ecosystem.

Overall, Keep is not just a standalone DApp ecosystem but is growing to become the brain connecting various blockchain products and services globally. With the maturation of the technology, the Keep ecosystem is likely to become a benchmark project in the Web 3.0 era.


This significant move by Keep undoubtedly lays a solid foundation for its future leadership in the industry. As time progresses, the Keep ecosystem is expected to become one of the flagship projects in this industry. Let us look forward to the more enchanting future blueprint of the Keep ecosystem!

Opening the Doors to Blockchain 3.0: Building a Shared Future with the Keep Ecosystem

As mentioned earlier, the new upgrades to the Keep ecosystem serve as a cornerstone for its future development. However, the team is not content with just that. The long-term goal for the Keep ecosystem is to construct a genuinely fair and shared future for all. Through continuous technological and application improvements, Keep aims to bridge all of humanity.

On the technical level, Keep will continue to develop decentralized systems based on distributed trust mechanisms, fully integrating assets, data, and identity systems to empower individuals to live freely.

On the application level, Keep plans to extend into various fields like education, healthcare, diagnostics, and culture, breaking down the barriers of mainstream centralized models to truly realize the equitable sharing of knowledge and opportunities.

On the community level, the Keep ecosystem will gather the strength of various global teams across industries to form an open-source cooperative ecosystem. This will facilitate the contribution of creative spaces and collectively fill in the gaps in human development.

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In the end, Keep aims to establish a network society linking humans and objects. By leveraging decentralized collective intelligence, it seeks to create a just and harmonious future.

This has always been the goal and pursuit of the Keep team, and the Keep ecosystem is set to achieve groundbreaking milestones!