International Intellectual Property Alliance,(IIPA”) consists of eight associations, including the BSA(American Business Software Alliance), the ESA(Entertainment Software Alliance), the MPAA(American Film Association), and the RIAA(American Recording Industry Association), which have more than 1,900 members.


In December 2016, IIPA communicated with the Protocol Labs Protocol Laboratory, where Protocol Labs, hopes to develop and deploy agencies through improved research on Internet technology. Build protocols, systems, and tools to improve the way the Internet works everyday. The project under the protocol laboratory consists of five independent projects of IPFS, Filecoin, libp2p, IPLD, Multiformats. The two sides discussed on the IPFS user agreement based on the video and video, film, music copyright rights confirmation and user rights around the world, especially in the United States, and user rights and interests. The goal is to address these problems through new technological breakthroughs, excellent user experience design, and open-source creative methods.