The following content comes from the official English white paper (translation)

What is Dogdeer?

Dogdeer is the world’s leading mining machine computing power sharing service platform, founded by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts in 2019

Located in Coronado, USA. Since its establishment, the company has developed rapidly and has cooperated with industry giants Bitfury, GAW Miners, Bitmain,

Linden all cooperate. Cut in by the sale and transfer of computing power, provide DOGD assets based on the BSC protocol, and at the same time be compatible with the smart contract chain based on the Ethereum technology architecture, and open up a new gameplay of computing power DOGD derivatives, allowing users to reduce the use of mining machines and computing power. The economic loss caused by the lack of transparency of relevant information. DOGD will prioritize access to the Filecoin cloud computing power market and gradually expand to cloud computing power products demanded by the market such as BTC and ETH.

Dogdeer is committed to creating a generalization of computing power mining, maximizing the income of cryptocurrency financial management, and low user participation

Threshold, transparency of mining machine monitoring, automation of income distribution, market risk sharing, and community-based decentralized finance for platform governance


The Dogdeer platform is committed to using decentralized smart contract technology, DAO governance

DOGD + DeFi financial approach to solve the unpayable risks and calculations that often appear in the traditional cloud computing power trading market.

Insufficient asset liquidity and opaque income of power buyers, so that all users can participate in a safe and secure way with a low threshold

Into the mining dividend.

In addition, based on the influence of the Dogecoin model in the industry, Dogdeer is also committed to creating a full-stack DeFi

Ecology, change the embarrassing situation of lack of ecology of existing meme tokens, and form a corresponding exclusive financial ecology and DAO high

A community with a degree of consensus, in order to promote the further development of the industry. Dogdeer is in the process of building a decentralized community

An experiment conducted will provide diversified services in the DeFi field from the actual needs of the market, allowing more ecological benefits

Being able to encrypt assets makes DeFi no more threshold.

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GOGD tokens have recently begun to be distributed to active participants.

GOGD contract address:


The total supply of GOGD is 210,000,000,000 tokens, which are distributed as follows

Early participants: 3%

67%: generated by mining

10%: DAO Risk Management Fund

5%: DOGD Foundation

5%: The team holds the locked position for 3 years

10%: strategic investment, 10% released on the line, and the rest will be released gradually

Let me introduce how to receive the airdrop

Welcome to DOGDEER ​​and read the rules and you will get a free DOGD 1. Join the official telegram group:

2. Follow the official Twitter and retweet 3 friends and likes: https://mobile

3. Send the BSC address to the official telegram group and fill in the form:

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