With the explosive growth of DeFi in 2020, transactions on the ethereum network can easily cost tens of dollars, or even hundreds of dollars.

Against the background of DeFi’s continued hotness, a large number of project parties have emerged and the DeFi user base has gradually increased, giving rise to a strong demand for investment and financing. The decentralized financing model allows project owners to finance their projects in a more direct way to the community, and also gives ordinary users an equal opportunity to participate in the investment. ZERONE is a decentralized hybrid contract trading protocol that solves all Crypto token trading problems.


ZERONE is currently a decentralized derivatives hybrid contract trading protocol deployed on the BSC network and was created by Bruce-Lou in June 2021. the core team of ZERONE consists of software engineers from well-known cryptocurrency companies such as Ou Yi OKX. The platform is expected to go live in April 2023.

ZERONE currently supports spot trading and perpetual contract trading with up to 100x bars, and the orders supported by ZERONE include market orders, limit orders, and trigger orders (take profit/stop orders).

ZERONE’s core mechanism is hybrid contract trading, and its value lies in its ability to meet the market’s demand for trading 18,000 pairs of contracts. LP liquidity is comprised of a multi-asset, multi-LP pool that exists as a counterparty to the trader in a trade and provides liquidity for all trades on the platform.


ZERONE uses a dynamic pricing mechanism to feed prices with a dynamic aggregation prognostic machine provided by Chainlink, enabling trades to be executed with zero slippage. The single-currency automated market making mechanism is similar to the AMM mechanism, where the community simply adds tokens to the liquidity pool to earn the fees generated by the transactions.

ZRO is the native governance pass of ZERONE, and holders of ZRO passes can earn governance votes on ZERONE or choose to pledge passes for rewards. LP liquidity providers can also receive a certain percentage of ZRO as their reward for providing liquidity.


To participate in the airdrop registration benefit, please follow the official Twitter ZeroneOfficial_, you will be the first to know the stage of the airdrop benefit and the time of airdrop to your account, then you can check the airdrop registration bonus and invitation bonus in the wallet address you registered to use.